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Loader Pro V3

(views: 22217)

The Loader Pro V3 is a professional loader that features scale modes (scale, crop, scale-crop, resize), align modes, built in preloaders and customized transition tweens. Here are all known issues for Loader Pro V3. If you have any questions that you think we should discuss here please let us know.

MCTE is working, but not properly

(2007-08-01 - views: 23245)
Q: What do I do if MCTE seems to be working, but not the way it should be?
A: The MCTE component must be on a higher depth than the movieClip that is its "_targetInstanceName". So, double-check that the layer where the MCTE component is, is  ABOVE the layer where the movieClip or component on which you want to apply the effect, or if they are added on the stage dynamically, be sure to add the MCTE component on a depth HIGHER than the depth where the movieClip/component that the transition effect will be made on is added.
