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Loader Pro V3

(views: 22217)

The Loader Pro V3 is a professional loader that features scale modes (scale, crop, scale-crop, resize), align modes, built in preloaders and customized transition tweens. Here are all known issues for Loader Pro V3. If you have any questions that you think we should discuss here please let us know.

Loaded content starts playing while preloader still showing

(2008-09-03 - views: 11306)
Q: It seems that the loader starts playing the .swf files while they are not completely loaded and the preloader is still displayed. Is there anything I can do to prevent the .swf from playing while it is still loading ?

A: Flash Player starts playing the content while that content didn't completely load. A solution would be to place a stop() function on the content's first frame and after the entire content has loaded, instruct the content to start playing.
