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Loader Pro V3

(views: 22217)

The Loader Pro V3 is a professional loader that features scale modes (scale, crop, scale-crop, resize), align modes, built in preloaders and customized transition tweens. Here are all known issues for Loader Pro V3. If you have any questions that you think we should discuss here please let us know.

Borders for the loader content

(2008-01-17 - views: 27186)
Q: Can I add a border to the images I load into the LoaderProV3 component ?
A: Yes, you can, but you need quite a lot of code to do that. The attached example uses two border clips to add borders to the images. This is because when the loader uses "alpha" or "fade" transitions between two images, the borders should do the same. So they will also fade in and out, along with the image. However, the method used here can be applied for the "none", "alpha" or "fade" transition types. It won't work if the transitionType parameter of the loader is set to "MCTE" or "MCTEfade". The code is well commented so, hopefully, you won't have any problems understanding it.
