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Color Picker Pro V3

(views: 14474)

Color Picker Pro V3 is a highly customizable color picker flash component. Featuring additional themes and possibility to purchase customized themes. Here are all known issues for Color Picker Pro V3. If you have any questions that you think we should discuss here please let us know.

Manually set position of color picker

(2007-08-22 - views: 11259)
Q: How can I set a different position on the stage of the easy and pro mode windows ?
A: If you set the autoMode parameter to false, than the color picker will not automatically open and close the easy and pro modes, so you can open them wherever you want and close them when you want. The only thing to it, is that you need to write ActionScript code. An example of how to use the events associated with the autoMode parameter you can find in the example file. There you can also find descriptions on the events and event parameters.
