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Accordion (Tree) Menu V3

(views: 38717)

Accordion Menu V3 and Accordion Tree Menu V3 are xml flash accordion menus featuring customized states, customized transitions and tweens. Here are all known issues for Accordion Menu V3 and Accordion Tree Menu V3, they should be similar, since basically it is the same component. If you have any questions that you think we should discuss here please let us know.

Align header text to right

(2008-04-14 - views: 20849)
Q: Is there a way to align the titles of the menu items to the right and not to the left, which seems to be the default ?
A: You need to write code to change the text format of each text field of the menu. The next example does just that. You can combine this example with the example that changes the icon's position to right, to have all the elements aligned to the right side of the menu.

Other questions in this item

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